Quantum and Software Engineering

I have two research in the intersection of quantum computing and software engineering.

  1. Quantum software engineering
  2. Applied post-quantum cryptography

Quantum software engineering is an emerging technology that adopts software engineering best practices in quantum program development, e.g., I am interested in identifying challenges of testing and debugging quantum programs.

Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is a group of classical algorithms running on classical computers to keep your system quantum safe. PQC is the successor of public-key cryptography in the era of quantum computing (see NIST-selected PQC candidates).

Public-key encryption algorithms will be vulnerable to quantum attacks — paper.

Selected publications:

• L. Zhang, M. Radnejad and A. Miranskyy, Identifying Flakiness in Quantum Programs, ESEM 2023,  preprint

• L. Zhang, A. Miranskyy, W. Rjaibi, G. Stager, M. Gray, J. Peck, Making existing software quantum safe: a case study on IBM Db2, Information and Software Technology, 2023. preprint

• A. Miranskyy, L. Zhang, J. Doliskani, On testing and debugging quantum software, under review.  preprint

• A. Miranskyy, L. Zhang and J. Doliskani, Is your quantum program bug-free? ICSE 2020 (Distinguished Paper Award).  link  preprint

• L. Zhang, A.V. Miranskyy and W. Rjaibi, Quantum advantage and Y2K bug: comparison, IEEE Software, 2020.  preprint

• A. Miranskyy and L. Zhang, On testing quantum programs, ICSE 2019.  link  preprint