AIM-PQC: Preparing the Cybersecurity Workforce of the Future


The Active and IMmersive learning program for Post-Quantum Cryptography (AIM-PQC) adopts active and experiential learning approaches to provide training in essential knowledge and skills in cybersecurity and quantum cryptography for diverse beginning students in STEM. The program is comprised of 6-week on-ramp workshops followed by 8-week paid internships with four companies active in cybersecurity (i.e., Northrop Grumman, TCecure, CyDeploy, and Technuf) and a university-based applied research lab (i.e., the EST Lab). For more details, please read our Story.

We are currently recruiting participants! Please Apply Now if you are interested in learning the cutting-edge technology of quantum cryptography and gaining hands-on experience at a Maryland-based company.

Who Can Apply?

📌 Undergraduate students from UMBC & Montgomery College in STEM fields

📌 Basic programming experience (Python preferred) and cybersecurity knowledge

📌 At least 18 years old at the start of the program

Program Timeline

📅 Application Opens: Feb 1st, 2025

📅 Application Deadline: Mar 31st, 2025

📅 Acceptance Notification: Apr 15th, 2025

🚀 Program Start: May 2025

Why Join?

✅ Hands-On Learning: Industry-based projects, mentoring, and technical skill-building

✅ Career-Boosting: Intern with leading cybersecurity & quantum companies

✅ Financial Support: Stipends at an hourly rate of roughly $38/hour, e.g., a participant who works for 8 weeks and 20 hours/week will receive $6090 (Work formats are flexible and subject to mutual agreement between participants and employers)

More details can be found in our Flyer.

Apply Now

Tentative Workshop Outline


Q: Will the AIM-PQC program be offered recurrently?

  • A: Yes, the initial program will begin in the summer of 2025 and will continue annually through the summer of 2027.

Q: Are all participants of the workshop automatically eligible for the internships?

  • A: Yes, we have coordinated with our industry partners to ensure that all selected workshop participants will receive an internship placement (or a research assistantship in the EST Lab).

If you have further questions, please leave your comments here.

📧 Contact: [,]